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Organising effective dispensation of waste 

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Waste is a major problem in the Himalayas, over the years as road networks have connected himalayan communities to the world, they have also given access to tourists, non recyclable product packaging and other non biodegradable waste that usually would never exist.


Livelihood challenges linked to explosive tourism have led communities across the Himalayas to use non-biodegradable material with no formalized infrastructure to collect and effectively segregate and manage waste. 


HET works with its regional directors on projects in the following areas, working with stakeholders both at the grass route level as well as local administration bodies to effectively manage waste. 


  1. Waste collection drives 

  2. Collection of microplastics during treks and other expeditions 

  3. Waste segregation at source & supporting infrastructure  

  4. Advocacy in waste management 

  5. Recycle and reuse plastics


Advocacy in waste management - ongoing across

4 Regions

Waste collection drives



Collection of microplastics during treks 


Waste segregation at source & supporting infrastructure

12 Villages

Recycle and reuse plastics projects


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